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USCA Library Committee - Events: 2015: Faculty Authors

Support the Gregg-Graniteville Library!

The USCA Friends of the Gregg-Graniteville Library strive to support the creative efforts of the library staff to enrich the lives of the community and to enhance library resources through advocacy, volunteer service, and encouraging supplemental funding and donations.

The giving levels/perks/dollar amounts are as follows:

Friend ($25 - $99)--Use of the library, extended checkout time, invitations to book signings, public recognition, faculty led book discussions.

Contributor ($100 - $249)--Same as above, plus additional perk of having to the option to purchase a book plate, a custom tour of the library and the Gregg-Graniteville Memorial Room.

Supporter ($250-$499)--Same as Friends and Contributors, plus additional perk of invitation to faculty led discussion of special topics of interest, and additional library card for a spouse or a partner.

Benefactor ($500-$999)--Includes same perks as Friend, Contributor, and Supporter, plus additional perk of invitation to special events, including the Oswald Writer's Series

Librarian Circle ($1000 and above)--Includes same perks as Friend, Contributor, Supporter, and Benefactor, plus additional perk of engraved recognition of support on library plaque and an invitation to special programs sponsored by the library.

Friends of the Library News

Fiction, Fact, and Fables: Celebrating Faculty Authors

The Friends of the Gregg-Graniteville Library honored faculty and staff authors from USC Aiken with a reception and silent auction. The event was a huge success, with the silent auction raising $267, and several attendees joining the Friends group for the first time.  

Photo by: Stephanie Turner, Aiken Standard

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Drew Geyer, Dr. Monty Fetterolf, Professor Roy Seeger, Professor Alexia Helsley, Dr. Keri Weed, Dr. Vicki Long, Dr. Timothy Lintner, Dr. Tom Mack

Read about the Event!

USCA Celebrates Faculty Authors | Stephanie Turner, Aiken Standard

 Photos by: Stephanie Turner, Aiken Standard


Pictured: Dr. Tim Ashton                                                   Pictured: Dr. Keri Weed

USCA Library Committee Members

  • Dr. Vicki Long, Chair | School of Nursing
  • Professor Vicki Collins | English Department
  • Dr. Troy Wilson | Sociology Department
  • Dr. April Delaurier | Biology/Geology Department
  • Dr. Sanela Porca | School of Business Administration
  • Professor Patrick Gelinas | Exercise & Sports Science
  • Professor Jane Tuten, Ex Officio | Library Director

The Gregg-Graniteville Library