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Library Collections

The Library Collections Department relies heavily on faculty to aid in the development of our library's collection. Each academic department has a departmental library liaison who shares library updates and information with others in the department and who helps gather collection recommendations. We encourage all faculty members to make the library aware of book, periodical, and database titles that support the curriculum. Please be aware that unless there is a compelling reason for a print version of a book, the library is prioritizing eBook purchases.

We encourage faculty to use Choice Review Online to aid you in your selections. Faculty may also use the PASCAL Faculty Textbook Portal to identify Open Access (OA) eBooks, Open Educational Resources (OER), and Digital Rights Management (DRM) Free eBooks that you can request the library purchase. For help with these, please contact your Librarian Liaison or the Library Collections Coordinator.

Purchase requests can be submitted in the following ways:

  • Send requests directly to the Library Collections Coordinator, Natalia Taylor Bowdoin ( ; 803-641-3492 ; Box 37)
  • Give requests to your departmental library liaison (see PDF below)
  • USCA faculty, staff, and students may complete the online book request form

Note: Journal or database requests may require additional approval of your Unit Head and the Library Dean due to the nature of the ongoing financial commitments associated with these items.

Thank you for helping us build a strong collection for USCA!


Natalia Taylor Bowdoin

Willie Mae Dumas

Jill Hammond

  • Library Information Specialist
  • 803-641-3283