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Library Collections

Help Build a Strong USCA Library Collection!

Faculty input is crucial for our library's success! We encourage you to recommend resources (books, journals, databases, movies) that support our USCA curricula.

Prioritizing eBooks: While we continue to purchase print books, eBooks are prioritized due to increased accessibility and availability for our students unless a print copy is essential for the reading experience (e.g. art books, graphic novels, books with unique formatting). Please let us know if that is the case and we will do our best to honor your request.

Streaming Media: The library subscribes to several streaming services, which provide access to tens of thousands of streaming films and audio. We urge faculty to search the Library Catalog  or these databases for films related to course content before placing a request for licensing from other vendors. Streaming films will be purchased through approved library vendors that offer institutional licensing and meet our technical requirements. Check the movie streaming purchase guidelines for more information.

Resources to Aid in Your Selection:

Submit Your Request:

Thank you for helping us build a strong collection for USCA!


Natalia Taylor Bowdoin

Willie Mae Dumas

Jill Hammond

  • Library Information Specialist
  • 803-641-3283

Amanda Nunnelly-Stewart

  • Electronic Resources Librarian
  • 803-641-3510