Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice by Marlaine Smith; Marilyn E. ParkerThe only nursing research and theory book with primary works by the original theorists! Noted nursing scholars explore the historical and contemporary theories that are the foundation of nursing practice today. The 5th Edition, continues to meet the needs of today's students with an expanded focus on the middle range theories and practice models that link theory to clinical practice. You'll explore the role of these theories in the real-world to see how they guide nursing practice.
Call Number: ebook
ISBN: 9780803679917
Publication Date: 2020
Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice by Janie B. Butts; Karen L. RichPhilosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice, Fourth Edition provides an essential foundation of nursing models and interdisciplinary theories for nurses to build their own nursing philosophies. This text is beneficial for students who need an introductory understanding of philosophy as it explains how theory is constructed and is also suitable for learners and nurses seeking to analyze and apply that theory to advanced practice. Known as a comprehensive handbook for graduate nursing students and advanced practice nurses alike, the text incorporates middle range practice theory as well as interdisciplinary and nursing theories. Students will find a wealth of information to draw from for graduate projects, while APRNs will find research useful for patient care. New to the Fourth Edition:New chapter on public health theory related to pandemics, disaster nursing and environmental health crisesContent related to health disparities and gender theory Revised case studies New comprehensive grid provides suggested applications for philosophies and theories in in research and clinical practice