For your Career Exploration and Challenges paper, there are some excellent career specific resources on the web that I encourage you to explore. Also, when delving deeper into the challenges faced by individual professions, I encourage you to explore journal articles in some of our Allied Health databases as identified below. If you run into any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to a librarian.
Career/employment resources:
The OOH and O*Net OnLine are excellent databases for learning more about different careers. These sites are best for learning more about individual professions and related issues, including job outlook and necessary skills and credentials.
Exploring the issues:
For locating information on issues impacting professions, you will find journal articles in some of our Allied Health focused databases. I also encourage you to locate the primary professional organization on the web and explore those sites. They can grant insight into the opportunities and challenges within an individual profession.
The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL) database provides authoritative coverage of the literature related to nursing and allied health disciplines. Includes indexing for more than 5,100 journals with coverage as far back as 1937 and full-text coverage for more than 700 journals. In addition to journals, includes healthcare books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of professional practice, and educational software.