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BIOL 250 - Microbiology - Burgess: Home

BIOL 250 - In the News Assignment

In the News assignments will give you the opportunity to integrate course content and current events. You will be responsible for finding a summarizing a news article and relating the information in the article to content presented in lecture. 


Take a few minutes to examine articles listed below and discuss them in your groups.

Poll Questions

How many of these articles would be appropriate for this assignment?
1: 5 votes (7.35%)
2: 9 votes (13.24%)
3: 48 votes (70.59%)
4: 5 votes (7.35%)
5: 1 votes (1.47%)
Total Votes: 68
Which of these articles would you choose for this assignment?
Article #1: 20 votes (28.57%)
Article #2: 7 votes (10%)
Article #3: 31 votes (44.29%)
Article #4: 7 votes (10%)
Article #5: 5 votes (7.14%)
Total Votes: 70