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EDUC A300 McMurtrie

Guide for Children’s Literature Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Professor: Deborah H. McMurtrie, Ph.D.

Content Instructions

Children’s Literature Annotated Bibliography (75 points)
Use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to create a spreadsheet that lists 50 children’s books that could be read aloud to your class when teaching math. Include the title, author, ISBN, a paragraph describing the book, and the applicable math strand(s) for each book. You may also want to include specific standard and indicator numbers. It is very important that you create a column identifying the standards/strands listed below, so you can sort your list and quickly find the books you need when you teach those topics.

2025 Mathematical Content Standards:

  • Data, Probability, and Statistical Reasoning (DPSR)
  • Measurement, Geometry, and Spatial Reasoning (MGSR)
  • Numerical Reasoning (NR)
  • Patterns, Algebra, and Functional Reasoning (PAFR)

2025 Mathematical Process Standards:

  • Problem Solving (PS)
  • Representation and Communication (RC)
  • Connections (C)
  • Analyze and Justify (AJ)
  • Structure and Patterns (SP)

Formatting and Submission

  • Compose the document using Microsoft Word or equivalent (or save as a .pdf), making use of spell check and grammar check.
  • Save this assignment as “Yourlastname_Annotated_Bibliography.docx”  (i.e., Smith_ Annotated_Bibliography.docx).
  • Upload the document to the drop box under the Assignments tab by the due date. Late assignments are not accepted unless a brief extension is approved in advance.