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Open Scholarship: Open Educational Resources vs Affordable Learning

Affordable Learning and OER: Differences and Similarities


Affordable course content is any course material that is low-cost, free, or openly licensed material serving as alternatives to more expensive options. Typically, a course is identified as affordable if the total cost for materials is under $50. Like OER, affordable course materials can include anything from textbooks to journal articles and videos, basically anything used to support learning. Unlike OER, other affordable course materials still retain traditional copyright licensing, including restrictions on the use and sharing of the items. OER, in contrast, are openly licensed to allow the "5Rs": Retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute.

Learn more about affordable learning efforts in South Carolina from SCALE (South Carolina Affordable Learning). If you are a USCA faculty member with a no-cost or low-cost course, consider applying for the Professor for Affordable Learning (PAL) Award through SCALE.

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