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Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Student Work

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Mapping Contemporary Spain

"Mapping Contemporary Spain" is a digital course project created by the class of SPAN 319 (Peninsular Cultures and Civilizations) from the University of South Carolina Aiken in Spring 2023. This project is a mapping interactive tool to navigate the marvelous cultures of the Iberian Peninsula. Each peninsular civilization is represented in a well selected object which the creators have researched and presented with personal enthusiasm and academic rigor. 

As part of a language and culture course, students developed their critical and research spirit while collaborating with peers in their academic endeavors and mutual goals. This project introduced students to professional development skills and the exposure to this digital toolkit proved constructive within their own majors and careers. Overall, this project is a testimony to the importance of preserving and studying foreign cultures, and to the excellency of eight students who were thoroughly engaged and committed to continue learning and growing.

The authors listed below, and the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, are appreciative for the Gregg-Graniteville Library’s librarians and staff, especially Natalia Bowdoin, Deborah Harmon, and Amanda Nunnelly-Stewart, for their unconditional support and guidance.


Olivia Jones, Michael Parrish, Osmel Liriano, Olivia Robertson, Jazzmin Blair, Maggie Knotts, Grant Hamrick, Lizbeth Smiley, Dr. Ángel M. Rañales.

Student authors

Mapping Contemporary Spain by Ángel M. Rañales is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Works Consulted

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Aranagui Gascó, Carmen. “El lenguaje del prestigio. A propósito de la Dama de Baza”. Un viaje femenino al más allá: actas del Encuentro Internacional Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 27 y 28 noviembre 2007, 2010, pp. 185-194.

Argelich Gutiérres, María Antonia, and Iván Rega Castro. “Moros en Palacio. Los relieves historiados del Palacio Real de Madrid, o el origen de una imaginería de la Reconquista a mediados del siglo XVIII”. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, no. 9, 2021, pp. 460-490.

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Amanda Nunnelly-Stewart

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Natalia Taylor Bowdoin

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