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Interlibrary Loan

Need materials you can't find at the Gregg-Graniteville Library? Interlibrary Loan is a free service for accessing books, articles, and other materials from other libraries.

When to Request

If you have tried searching and what you want is not available in the Gregg-Graniteville Library, online databases, or PASCAL catalog.

What to Request

Interlibrary Loan will try to get any type of research materials except textbooks. Some materials may be difficult to obtain. See the ILL policies for a full list of items not available via Interlibrary Loan.

How long does it take?

Electronic material, such as journal articles, takes 2 to 3 days to arrive (on average). Books and other material that must be mailed take 1 to 2 weeks or longer.

How will I be notified when my book or article is available?

You will be notified by email via ILL Express! when your book is ready for pickup or article is available for download. If you’ve placed a request and are waiting for an email from ILL, please check your junk email.

Due dates & Renewals

The library that lends us the item sets the due date. If you need to renew the item, please let us know before the due date on the band. Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library and are not guaranteed.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service offered by the Gregg-Graniteville Library and provides access to material from libraries nationwide to USC Aiken faculty, staff, and students. This service also allows access to the holdings of the Gregg-Graniteville Library to libraries nationally according to the standards set via the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and the IFLA International Resource Sharing and Document Delivery: Principles and Guidelines for Procedure.

Borrowing Policies


Current USC Aiken students, faculty, and staff can borrow through Interlibrary Loan.


This is a free service for USC Aiken students, faculty, and staff.


Interlibrary Loan will attempt to get all materials requested; however, items are lent at the discretion of the lending library. Materials that are difficult to obtain through interlibrary loan and are usually unavailable include:

  • Textbooks
  • Whole issues of journals and periodicals
  • Rare materials, including manuscripts
  • Ebooks
  • Reference materials
  • Reserve materials
  • Genealogical and heraldic materials
  • Many dissertations and theses, especially those printed before 1952
  • Books published within the last year, including current fiction
  • Films, videos, CDs, records, and audiocassettes

Circulation Policies

Loan periods, restrictions, and fees are set by the lending library. If you would like to renew your book, please contact us BEFORE the due date on the band. Lending libraries will not entertain renewal requests after this date.

Textbook Borrowing

Interlibrary Loan does not accept requests for textbooks and other classroom materials that are available at the bookstore. If do not want to purchase your textbooks, we suggest looking into renting your textbooks from Chegg, Amazon, or other related websites.

Late & Lost Materials

Overdue charges are $.25 cents per day with no set maximum and with no grace period. Library holds will be placed for non-returned Interlibrary Loan items. Unpaid fines will be sent to the Finance Office for collection/placement on Accounts Receivable.

If materials are lost, costs will be assessed according to the regulations of the lending library. An additional $5.00 processing fee will be assessed by the Gregg-Graniteville Library.

Failure to comply with Gregg-Graniteville Library’s Interlibrary Loan regulations may result in the loss of Interlibrary Loan borrowing privileges.


Copyright for the Interlibrary Loan office is determined by the CONTU guidelines developed from Section 108 of the Copyright Act.

Under these guidelines and in compliance with Section 108 of the copyright act, we are permitted to request and copy up to five articles from a single periodical in one calendar year. Each of these requests must be accompanied by a compliance statement from us, the requesting library, and we must maintain these records for at least 3 years. In addition, we cannot request and receive more than five copies of articles or chapters from non-periodicals (including books) during the entire copyright duration of the item. We can request no more than one article or other contribution to a copyrighted collection or periodical issue, or a copy of an only small part of any other copyrighted work (for example, one chapter from a book). To exceed the number of requests stipulated by these guidelines and Section 108, we must obtain permission directly from the copyright holder or from a representative such as the Copyright Clearance Center. These permissions can be quite expensive, so we restrict requests after the allotted free amount has been met. To read the CONTU guidelines, visit

When we request items, we are also restricted by the licenses held by the lending library, particularly for items held in electronic formats. These licenses are binding contracts and if another library has agreed to limit the use of materials in ILL, they may not be able to provide us with the requested item.

Items received through Interlibrary loan are for your personal study, scholarship, or research.

We reserve the right to cancel any request that we feel violates federal copyright law.


Kelsey Crump