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Library Promotional Materials: Creating New Materials

The Creative Process!

My basic process when tackling new projects:

  • What kind of project is it? Flyer, banner, brochure, etc...
  • Look for inspiration. Do a Google search for the kind of item being created. Essentially looking for some sort of template.
  • What would be the most appropriate tool for creating this item? Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher are the ones I use most. Projects often require a combination of tools.
  • How will my information fit into the template? Try to block things out as much as possible.
  • Look for images: backgrounds, illustrations, etc...
  • Colors. Easier said than done.


Some suggestions...

  • Download/Save LOTS of images, backgrounds, and templates (only ones you really like, though). Everything you use, everything you like and might use. Use the "Print Screen" key to capture images. Super handy.
  • You should have images of your Library and your institution's Logos.
  • Play around in Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. Mostly text boxes and image manipulation. See what does what. Be fearless! There's always the "Undo" button.
  • I once had a student assistant tell me that you should never have both serif and sans serif fonts in the same document. Seems like sound advice, so I follow it.

Subject Guide

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Brandy Horne
Office: (803) 641-3282
Liaison Areas: Communication, English, Sociology