1.To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
2.To commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
-- From Merriam-Webster
Self-Plagiarism is also prohibited.
1. To reuse without proper citations a portion or portions of previously submitted written assignments in the completion of subsequent papers
2. To submit for credit a paper previously submitted for another class
Academic dishonesty encompasses more than just plagiarism. Other forms of academic dishonesty include:
•Giving or receiving unauthorized help with academic work
•Using unauthorized materials, tools or devices to complete academic work
•Using portable devices during a test (without permission)
•Having/taking advantage/selling/purchasing/stealing tests before they are given
•Using someone else’s work without acknowledgment
•Purposefully misleading anyone about any phase of your academic work
•Offering or receiving bribes and favors to influence grades
•Obstructing the instructor’s ability to evaluate students’ academic progress
The Academic Code of Conduct is located on pages 25-29