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Contemporary Issues: Find Articles and Newspapers

Journal Title Search

Looking for access to a specific journal? Check out our ejournals tool here.


E-Resources Login Information

To access the library's e-resources, like ebooks and databases, you will log in with your full USC Aiken email address and your email password. 

Follow this link for more information and troubleshooting instructions.

Google Search Tips

Here are a few tips and tools to help you find useful information via Google.

When searching Google, you can use the <site:> command to target specific types of websites.

For example, if you wanted to limit your search to just government information, you could search:
<trade policy> 

If you wanted to limit your search to results from a specific website, you could search:
<trade policy> or <trade policy>

Using <site:> in multiple tabs allows you to compare different sources.


Although many of these resources provide citation tools, these tools are often problematic. See a Librarian if you have any questions regarding the accurate citation of sources.

Newspaper Databases

Ask a Librarian


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